How does it work?

To phrase it the easy way:

-- magic --

Ok, so this does not satisfy all of you.
Here the longer story for all who want to hear it:
ranking was made up by a sick mind to favor the unbelieveably wussy over the honest players, and this is how it works.

Players during the first 300 rounds will not become ranked fully, but will have an attenuation factor of number_of_rounds/300 multiplied to everyting that is ranked.

Ranked are

Every of those ratios/numbers is "normalized" such, that the best player in this category gets "1" and the worst one "0". The different categories then are added up in a weighted manner to give the overall ranking score for that player. Thats it.
Note how a good k/d ratio is ranked several times compared to a good win/lost ratio or a good won ball/lost ball ratio.
Estimated influence of k/d: 0.7
Estimated influence of the ball: 0.3

Strikes you as odd for a game completely focused on the ball like Bloods Music, but that's how it is.
